By Rondell Treviño, Founder, The immigration Project In the Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37), Jesus commands us to love God, and love our…
By Rondell Treviño, The immigration Project On May 7th, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced they will prosecute Immigrants who enter the US undocumented and…
By Rondell Treviño, Founder, The immigration Project There's a lot of assumptions and misinformation from people around the country concerning the Caravan of Immigrants at…
By Rondell Treviño, Founder, The immigration Project In 2015, Lifeway Research asked Evangelicals to list which factor has most influenced their beliefs about immigration. About one in…
Tabitha McDuffee, Founder, There is so much in Scripture to support welcoming refugees and having compassion toward strangers, that it should be easy to…
Tabitha McDuffee, Founder, Half of refugees around the world are children, so forced displacement is a children’s issue as much as it is an…
Tabitha McDuffee, Founder, Recently, I wrote an article about how to talk about refugees on social media. In it, I outlined some important things for us…
Tabitha McDuffee, Founder, Talk of the refugee crisis has flooded our newspapers, radio, and television news over the last year and a half. That,…