In Justin Bieber’s newest music video titled Intentions, from his latest album Changes, he has taken the time to shine a light on an immigrant story and then blesses her with a car.
In his newest music video, he shares the story of a young girl named Bahri, who was born in Saudi Arabia, where her mother worked three jobs to bring her children to the U.S. for a better life.
Bahri’s mother faced many dangers in Saudi Arabia, was denied an education, and now wants her daughter to have the opportunities she never had.
Bahri’s intention is to be the first in her family to graduate college. To get to class, Bahri borrows a car or rides the bus two to three hours each way.
However, in order to help Bahri, Bieber purchased a new car so that she no longer has to commute two to three hours via bus on her way to and from school in Northridge.
Bahri’s story is just one example of the many Immigrant and Refugee journeys to the United States. Many Immigrants and Refugees come to this country and work extremely hard for their families to have a better and more prosperous life.
Let’s remember this and not believe the myth that all Immigrants and Refugees are criminals or terrorists seeking to destroy America. Let’s also find ways, like Justin Bieber, to help Immigrants and Refugees in need.
Watch the Intentions video below.