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Late last year, Memphis immigration Project launched a partnership with Memphis Center for Urban Theological Studies (MCUTS)   by providing full-ride college scholarships for Immigrants with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) each semester beginning in January 2018 in order to improve their life skills, increase their future outcome in society, and deepen their relationship with Christ.

This partnership is rooted in the belief that DACA recipients deserve a chance to pursue their dreams and become productive Memphians by earning a College degree with MCUTS. The majority of DACA recipients came to the U.S. as young babies and children without any choice in the matter, and therefore should not be burdened and blamed for acts they did not commit, but rather given a chance to thrive.

The Dreamer Scholarship gives DACA recipients a chance to thrive.

Today, five DACA recipients begin their college journey as they will attend college orientation, receive their class schedule, and begin next week.

Please pray the Lord gives these five students courage to thrive as they pursue their college degree and that they rely on him for guidance and truth.

If you know of any DACA recipients who would like to pursue a college degree and would like a scholarship, please email us


Memphis immigration Project exists to engage issues of Immigration from a biblical perspective.

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