Hola! Sadly, with the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic going on around the United States, many non-profit organizations have been forced to slow down or shut down their operations indefinitely. I personally know a handful of non-profit organizations that have laid off full-time and part-time workers. It’s no secret that the Coronavirus (COVID-19) is hurting so many organizations who do good work on behalf of the vulnerable. We must pray for these organizations!
That being said, I am extremely pleased to let you know that because The immigration Coalition (TiC) is online-based through our social media platforms and website–which contains training videos, curriculum, podcast episodes, fact sheets, articles, books, and more, we are experiencing more traffic than we have in the last two months because many people are at home in quarantine. We are receiving a ton of great feedback from folks around the United States expressing how they are being equipped by our content and it’s very encouraging to us!
On another note, because my family has relocated to Austin, Texas, The immigration Coalition (TiC) has been given the opportunity to launch a border trips program, which will allow us to have churches and people of goodwill come with us to the border on mission trips to serve, care for, and love immigrants, migrants, and asylum-seekers several times a year. More information on this in the near future.
Thank you for believing in us!
Rondell Treviño, M.Div.
Founder/Director, TiC