For the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the CDC has recommended voluntary self-quarantine for individuals exhibiting symptoms and social distancing for everyone else. Social distancing means increasing the physical space between people to avoid spreading illness at a rapid pace. The CDC also recommends staying at least six feet away from other people, which lessens your chances of catching the Coronavirus (COVID-19).
Many public and private institutions, non-profit organizations, churches, and schools have taken the CDC’s advice to heart and voluntarily cancelled gatherings, events, and issued work-from-home mandates in an effort to keep the rate of disease spread to a minimum.
But for many Christians who care deeply about Immigrants, social distancing is contrary to what they’re used to. Many Christians either work or volunteer at immigration organizations, courts, law firms, and after school programs around the United States–and much of their service is in proximity to Immigrants, yet this has all been drastically changed due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
That being said, how do we as Christians love Immigrants while social distancing at home? Here are six ways to do so.
Social distancing at home gives us more time to pray and speak with the one who created us in His Image: God. We can carve out time to pray about our own lives, but also for Immigrants, Migrants, and Asylum-Seekers. As the coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread, many Immigrants, Migrants, and Asylum-Seekers are at risk of catching the virus because they live in overcrowded unsanitary detentions facilities and tent camps along the Southern Border in Matamoros, Texas.
Right now, there are 38,000 plus Migrants living in 130 private and state-run jails and prisons across the United States. There are also 2,500 plus Migrants and Asylum-Seekers (500 are children) living in tent camps in Matamoros, Mexico along the Southern Border. Please pray!
Order Chinese Food
Since the beginning of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, Asians have been the target of racism, xenophobia, and hate crimes throughout the United States and world. A Chinese lady was attacked in New York recently for wearing a mask, and another Chinese student was attacked in Australia.
Much of the racism, xenophobia, and hate crime toward Asians have been heightened by President Trump calling the Coronavirus (COVID-19) “the Chinese virus.” Correlating a virus that is infected thousands to Chinese people is to create a false narrative that all Asians are problems to get rid of, not people to love. But this is wrong and frankly evil because all Asians are fearfully and wonderfully created in God’s Image worthy of love, respect, and dignity.
One way we can show love and support for our Asian neighbors right now is by eating Chinese food. My family ordered Chines takeout the other night and it was delicious! Eating Chinese food is a great way to love and care for Asians, especially the roughly thirteen million Asian Immigrants who have contributed to the country in amazing ways.
Order Chinese food today!
Social Distancing at home means more time on our phones, computers, and laptops. There are currently many immigration organizations doing good work on behalf of Immigrants, Migrants, and Asylum-Seekers always in need of donations to keep their programs running well. Simply Google “Immigration organizations near me”, click on their website, and donate $5, $10, or $20 to their mission and vision. We can even donate to The immigration Coalition here or our close partner, the Acts 17 Initiative here.
Watch Training Videos on Immigration
There are many training videos and even sermons on the topic of immigration on YouTube and other online websites. Again, simply Googling “Immigration training videos” or “Immigration sermons” will lead to several choices. Feel free to watch The immigration Coalition’s training videos here.
Study the Bible
The Bible is not silent on the topic of immigration. For many of us practicing social distancing, we can pick a verse of Scripture and study its context, who it was addressed to and why, and how it applies to Immigrants, Migrants, and Asylum-Seekers. We can start by studying Leviticus 19:33-34, Luke 10:25-37, Genesis 1:26-27, or Philippians 3:20. In this helpful article by The Gospel Coalition, you will find a step-by-step process on how to study the Bible or a verse of Scripture by using the observation, interpretation, and application method.
Call Elected Officials
Lastly, we can call our Elected Officials and urge them to bring awareness to Immigrants, Migrants, and Asylum-Seekers needing care and protection in overcrowded unsanitary detention facilities and tent camps along the border. We can tell our Elected Officials that they should reassure undocumented Immigrants can be tested for the coronavirus (COVID-19) if they start feeling symptoms without the fear of being detained, deported, or separated from family. Contact your Elected Official here.
Although social distancing has become a new way of life for many of us due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, we still have an opportunity to still love Immigrants, Migrants, and Asylum-Seekers while at home in unique ways. Let’s take advantage of this opportunity.
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