For a while, we have have been working on taking Tim Keller’s Religion vs. the Gospel grid, explained in his Gospel in Life Study Guide, and focusing it on immigration and how a right understanding of the Gospel applies to Immigrants today. Keller’s Gospel grid premises on the difference between living by the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and living by mere religious obedience or Moralism.
Living by the Gospel of Jesus Christ is freedom from the curse of works (Gal. 3:10), freedom from condemnation (Gal 2:15), freedom from slavery (Gal. 5:1) and freedom to worship and obey Jesus by the power of the Spirit (Gal. 5:16). Religion can never love or honor Jesus – it is ashamed of and offended (Gal. 5:11) by the gospel that declares all as sinners in need of a Savior. Living by religion says you can save yourself through obedience and moralism. Religion is incompatible with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
To no surprise, when we as Christians live by mere religious obedience or moralism, then this has negative implications on how we view and treat Immigrants. And when we live by the Gospel of Jesus Christ, then this has positive implications on how we view and treat Immigrants.
In the Religion vs. The Gospel: Immigration grid below, we show how we tend to view and treat Immigrants when living by the Gospel of Jesus Christ or religious obedience and moralism. **Feel free to save the photo and share**