By Rondell Treviño, Founder/Director, TiC
According to statistics, only 10 percent of Migrants in detention are Mexican. This year alone, Migrants have come to the border from 127 countries, including Bangladesh, Pakistan, Turkey, India, China, Palestine, Albania, San Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and other nations around the world. In other words, the nations are literally in our own country—in our backyard.
Although needed, we don’t always need to get on a plane once a year for a one-week mission trip to minister to, love, care for, befriend, and provide water, food, and clothing to the world. The opportunity to love our neighbor is at the Southern Border in the form of Immigrant and Migrant fathers, mothers, infants, children, and teens.
Will we—the Church, see this as an opportunity and go to the Border? Will the Church see that God is presenting us with a profound opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus? I hope so. Or will we—the Church, be silent and say, “It’s too political!” or “They’re illegals! We don’t need to minister to them!”? I hope not. The Church has an amazing opportunity. Let’s be the Church God has called us to be.
One great way to love the nations and be the Church is by going to the link below and purchasing one welcome kit (or more!) for Migrant families in shelters along the Southern Border for only $15. The welcome kits will be delivered on July 14th to the shelters at the Southern Border. Or, you can give to our organization by clicking HERE.