Only 12% of white evangelical Christians and 20% of all Protestant Christians say that they think about immigration issues primarily from the perspective of their Christian faith
12% of Evangelical Christians primarily choose to view Immigration from the Bible
Nine out of 10 Evangelicals (86 percent) want more border security. Six in 10 (61 percent) support a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. More than two-thirds (68 percent) favor both. And they want Congress to take action soon.
Evangelicals Say It Is Time For Congress To Tackle Immigration
11.5 million: number of undocumented immigrants residing in the U.S., as of January 2011
6.8 million: number of undocumented Mexicans, representing 59% of total undocumented population and 60% of all Mexican immigrants in the U.S.
270,000: number of undocumented Filipinos, representing about 1 out of every 6 Filipino immigrants in the U.S.
240,000: number of undocumented Indians, representing about 1 out of every 7 Indian immigrants in the U.S.
230,000: number of undocumented South Koreans, representing about 2 out of every 9 South Korean immigrants in the U.S.
280,000: number of undocumented Chinese immigrants, representing 1 out of every 6 Chinese immigrants in the U.S.
170,000: number of undocumented Vietnamese immigrants, representing 1 out of every 6 Vietnamese immigrants in the U.S.
56%: percentage of undocumented immigrants who entered U.S. prior to year 2000
85%: percentage of undocumented immigrants who entered prior to 2005
Click to access ois_ill_pe_2011.pdf
86% of Protestant pastors in the US affirm that Christians should “care sacrificially for refugees and foreigners.…BUT…Only 8% say their church is currently involved in serving these communities locally
44 out of 46: number of economists surveyed that believe that illegal immigration has been good for the U.S. economy overall
$15 billion: estimated annual contributions to the Social Security system from undocumented immigrants, even though they are generally ineligible to receive any Social Security benefits
75%: percentage of undocumented immigrants are paying payroll taxes, including Social Security, Medicare, and income taxes
$11.8 billion: amount paid in local and state taxes by undocumented immigrants in 2012 ($1.1 billion in personal income taxes, $3.6 billion in property taxes, and $7.1 billion in sales and excise taxes; does not include Social Security, Medicare, or federal income taxes)
$80,000: amount the average immigrant & his or her offspring will pay in taxes over the course of a lifetime beyond the cost of the governmental services & benefits they collect (but this net benefit is somewhat skewed because there is sometimes a net cost to local governments)
96%: labor participation for undocumented adult males
65%: percentage of Hispanic immigrants who believe that abortion should be illegal, compared to 40% of all non-Hispanic Americans
50% to 60%: percentage of the food Americans eat that was touched by immigrant hands
68% of evangelical Christians say that they would support immigration reforms that would both increase border security and establish a process so that immigrants present unlawfully in the U.S. could earn permanent legal status and eventually citizenship if they paid a fine and met other qualifications
Click to access Evangelical-Views-on-Immigration-Report.pdf
Just 1 in 5 evangelical Christians says that they have ever been encouraged by their local church to reach out to immigrants in their community
Click to access Evangelical-Views-on-Immigration-Report.pdf
Only about half of evangelical Christians (53%) say that they are very familiar with what the Bible says about how to treat immigrants
Click to access Evangelical-Views-on-Immigration-Report.pdf
The Hebrew word for an immigrant, ger, appears 92 times just in the Old Testament